"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Suess

the basics

i am 22 years old. i love God, music, and life in general. i will graduate in may with my associates degree, finally. i will continue to further my education in psychology or a degree on substance abuse. still undecided. my goals in life are to be a good sister, daughter, cousin, niece, and someday a good wife. i want to be all that i can now because we may not be blessed with another day.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

needing a job.

I just recently lost my job at the Boys and Girls Club. I was supposed to have a permanent job, but the grant that funded our checks didn't get renewed. Now I am jobless and BORED!!!! If anyone who reads this knows of a decent job (other than fast food.) please let me know. I have bills to pay! haha.